Sunday, July 20, 2008

Razorfen Kraul Cleared!

So, went to RFK (in this case, Razorfen Kraul) - Quite challenging at 25, but still doable - Experience is getting quite slow now, so considering if questing a bit might be the way to go - It's either that or farm BFD (or try SM GY).

Got the quests finished for RFK, and some loot - Sadly all for 29-30, so will be a bit before the 'grins' can use it: Swinetusk Shank and Pronged Reaver. Also, the scroll from Charlga Razorflank that starts a quest - It's for level 28.


Lorune said...

Nice to see someone else try multiboxing on SM.

I currently have my characters in a temporary sleepers state due to work, but still planning to finish them

Lorune / Sandaluth/leth/lith/lath/loth

Jens said...

Cool, almost thought I was alone ;)

Are you on horde side or ally?

Lorune said...

I play in Inner Sanctum :)

So alliance :p

Anyways currently working on a quad set of shammy's

SingleHelix / DoubleHelix / TrippleHelix / QuadHelix :p

started my accounts again a few days ago