Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Adventures have Started

So, after Age of Conan crushing my hopes of being the next MMO addiction, I went back to WoW and finally decided to break down and really make a effort to try the multi-boxing thing.
Having gotten a new computer that can handle 5 accounts I guess was the thing that pushed me to try it.

Anyone wanting to know more about the multi-boxing hobby should check out: http://www.dual-boxing.com/.

So, I spent a few hours setting up 4 trial accounts and started out with 5 shaman to just try it out - After some difficulties I had a decent setup and leveled to 12 or so - Which convinced me enough that it was time to seriously go for this.

So I went out and bought 3 more accounts to add to the 2 I already had and rolled the 'grins' on my main server (Silvermoon, EU).

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